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Free Clinical Macros
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Certified SAS Software Consulting

When others say "it can't be done" ...



Can I give you a Jump?

Do you already have internal resources for your SAS project but just need a little help to get things going?   I can assist and train your existing staff with the following:

Installation/configuration of SAS Software, including Integration Technologies

Installation/configuration of html and java servers

Developing that first data warehouse

Developing templates/infrastructure/security for your intranet

Data Warehousing

Are you interested in capturing/exploiting meta data? Integrating legacy data with a documented and reliable ETL/cleansing process? Significantly reducing the time required to maintain systems? All of the above?

SAS's Data Warehouse Administrator is a great product for doing all of the above. I can develop your entire system, or, assist/train internal resources as we build that first one.

Web Enablement (JSP)

Unleash the true power of your SAS investment by deploying your applications through the web.   Utilizing AppDev Studio, I have developed departmental intranets as well as external client internet applications.   I can make your web application look-n-feel just like any other site on the internet today.

SAS Migration

Are you ready to upgrade?   The latest release (v9) of the SAS system includes so many out-of-the-box performance improvements that you will want to take advantage of them as soon as possible.   Let me ease your transition by doing the heavy lifting while existing staff continue with their daily responsibilities.

Platform Migration

Platform migrations are often the most difficult to make.   Depending on your applications, nearly all scripts and most catalogs will require manual conversion.   Once again, with my experience in this area, you will be up and running in no time.   Mainframe/Unix/VMS/Windows - bring it on!

SAS Application Programming

With over 20 years of experience in developing end-user applications using SAS Software, I can quickly develop just about anything you want, especially if you've already been told by your IT department that it can't be done...

Performance Tuning

Do you suspect that your new Unix box isn't delivering the kind of speed you were expecing?   Has your database grown to more than one terrabyte and now your update process is taking forever?

Would you hire this guy?

Well, you should! He has worked with several Unix Administrators to tune their systems (AIX, HPUX, Solaris) for the SAS system. He has also utilized hashing techniques to create the fastest table look-up (merge/purge) routines around.

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Links That I Use

"Most excellent archives"
SAS-L via Google
Product FAQ
SAS with an Open World
SAS E-News
SAS Communities
V9.1 Documentation
V9 Documentation
V8 Documentation
SUGI Online Proceedings
Users Group Support
AppDevStudio Developers
Bash Reference Manual
BASH(1) Manual Page
HP PCL Commands
Intro to Unix
Learn Unix by Example
Learning Unix
Newbie Intro to cron
Solaris Sys Admin Guide
Unix User Guide
Korn Shell Basics
Unix Manual
VMS to UNIX Translation
JavaScript Tutorials
data layer w/frames
DHTML Properties
EchoEcho.com JavaScript
Javascript Junkyard
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Java Guru JSP FAQ
Free JavaScripts
JavaScript Reference
JavaServer Pages
JSP Reference Card
JSP Resource Index
JSP Syntax
jsptags Tag Libraries
Matt Kruse's Site
JavaScript Store
SimplytheBest DHTML
For everything else... Google